Are you taking into consideration to study somewhere in Switzerland? There are numerous cities which attract foreign students to come and St.Gallen is one of them as well. But what is it that makes this city so popular as a study destination? If you still haven’t heard about this city, now is the time to find out more about it. Let’s dig into its popularity and see why most foreign students choose to come here.
Eternal Youth
One of the facts that makes St.Gallen so special for foreign students is that in this city live a lot of young people. Nothing new? In other cities, there a lot of young students too, so what makes the difference? The difference is that this city is remarkable for the seemingly eternal youth that reigns there. In fact, did you know that this city is the one with the youngest population in Switzerland? A lot of young people live there, elder people are almost nowhere to be seen. So, it seems only logical that young foreign students want to meet other young people and make friends. Obviously, where better to go than to the city with the youngest population in Switzerland?
The next fact is directly linked to the previous one. There are a lot of international students from all over the world that come here. So, if you want to meet people from all over the world, maybe you could check this city out. Here you can learn to speak different languages and meet people from all over the world. Friendship is important, try to make as many friends as possible and keep in touch with them. Who knows where a simple contact can lead you in the future life?
Another decisive fact is that this city is very near to the German and Austrian border. This proximity consents foreign students to travel often to Germany and Austria. What do nearly all foreign students have in common? Apart their decision to study abroad, why are they motivated to choose certain cities more than the others? Well, the answer is pretty simple. They all like to travel and see as much as possible. The more they see, the better it is. Who wouldn’t benefit from visiting a lot of places in the same country or in those close to that one they study in? So, if you are keen on travelling, then St.Gallen is the city to consider. Not only is it in proximity to Zurich and other Switzerland cities, but also to other cities in Germany and Austria, to Alps and lakes.
Great Remarks
What about its universities? Are they the reason which makes this city so inviting? Of course! It is one of the most important facts to take into consideration. Let’s see how the universities are ranked and what makes them so special.The Financial Times in its 2017 ranking of European business Schools recognised the University of St.Gallen as one of the best in Europe, raising it up to the fourth position. The HSG has the distinction of being both the leading business university in Switzerland and in the German-speaking region. That really says something, doesn’t it? Another great point that explains the positive interest from students.
Beautiful Place
Not to forget the nature and the city, they are also responsible for the fame of St.Gallen. Who would go to someplace just because of its position and its internationality? The city has to be nice, tidy and organized as well. After all, this is a city where you will live and spend most of your time. So, you should feel comfortable and satisfied too. There is some good news, because this city offers many sightseeings as well. You will immediately fall in love with its Altstadt, old city centre, with the Unesco listed library that you can visit, with the nature that is very close to the city, with the green hills and many more. The city is very clean, functional, has a good transportation system and bicycle paths. So, the last fact says that this city has everything. What else to wish more?
Study, Travel and Have Fun
If these factors convinced you to give it a thought and you actually decide to study there, we wish you all the best. Study well and stay motivated, give your exams on time, in order to make some space for travelling and visiting all the beautiful places you can reach from St.Gallen. Enjoy your stay and don’t forget to always have fun, that’s what life is for!