It's not easy to be a student. The exams are always on your mind, you’re constantly studying, the study material is extensive, and sometimes the professors require from you even more than they could achieve themselves. It is difficult. And if we take into account the occasional lack of motivation, the lack of free time, the desire for rapid progress and the desire to find a job, things may become even worse.
However, there are the students who find it easier to overcome all these obstacles, get the best grades, graduate from the college and finally find a good job all thanks to their own efforts and dedication. Although it can sound like an urban legend, the fact is that there are young people who manage to go through this challenging and turbulent period of life in apparently better and faster way than others.
A perfect student life is composed of a successful balance of learning, having fun and gaining experience in various fields. But what is a perfect student like and does there exist one?
Average Students Live a Happier Life
Most often, perfection implies the state of infallibility, there is no room for a mistake. The term of perfection has its origins in Old Greece, but still everyone has his or her own vision of perfection. Being perfect means being at the highest possible level of what you’re doing, a level that cannot be surpassed. The machine or some electronic device can function without error - at least for a while. However, over time they stop functioning and need to be repaired.
People are not perfect. It's a part of the definition of a human being. You must have heard the song "I'm only a Man".
Perfection in performing an assignment, such as studying, may be achievable and the student can have the highest grades in the exams. But does it make it him or her perfect in all the other aspects?
The path to academic degree can be cruelly difficult and requires a lot of renunciation. It is even more difficult if you burden yourself with a hard-to-reach and perhaps unrealistic student ideals. There will always be someone who does certain things in a better way, even when you do your best. That way of life can easily turn you into an anxious person.
Surveys show that students who are considered the best are not quite happy. Even if they achieve this state of perfection, they are not very popular among their colleagues. The most common reason for this is that they remind other people of their own failures. People with average results are much more satisfied and have better memories of their student days.
What is a Perfect Student Like?
If there was an ideal student, what would he or she be like?
One is not born as a perfect student, this can only be achieved along the way. The key factor is constant motivation and a firm goal. The perfect student never gives up and keeps moving forward. They are eager to have the knowledge, and excellent grades are only the consequence of such an approach. They know how to organize their time, they do not try to learn everything the day before the exam, and they use every moment to acquire additional knowledge and skills that can later benefit to them.
The perfect student is not necessarily the smartest person in the generation. There are many students who have extremely high IQ, but they lack the self-discipline and they do not use their capacity to achieve academic success. An ideal student recognizes his or her own weaknesses and works on them. They quickly adapt to changes and have the ability to solve the problem very quickly.
They are hard working, they ask a lot of questions, and often impose themselves as the leaders of the class. The perfect students use all the opportunities offered and appreciate the chances for further education. They inspire others and share their knowledge.
A perfect student actually exists hidden in almost every student. And the best way to predict your future is to create one, working hard and learning while you have the chance.